Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Fake My Community Hours

Valdo Spini presents his book "Twenty years after the Bolognina" to the area of \u200b\u200bVia dell ' Hospice Association of Pistoia

Friday, February 18
18 hours (Rubbettino, Euro 14.00, pp190)
The book reconstructs the reasons the present state of severe crisis of the Italian left, denouncing the errors, impatience and irresponsibility that have accompanied his experiences in the last fifteen years and have helped enable Silvio Berlusconi beat the endurance record of De Gasperi.

strategies are thus reconstructed Achilles Occhetto, Massimo D'Alema, Piero Fassino and Walter Veltroni in their mutual intertwining with the history of the center and left the country. The end of the Ciampi government and the construction of the "joyous war machine" in the action of Achille Occhetto, the first fall of the Prodi and D'Alema government's short term, the end of the DS with the secretariat of Fassino, the second fall Prodi and Veltroni's defeat, are stages in a progressive decline of the Italian left. A series of sectoral chapters (l'antifascismo, la laicità, l'ambiente, la questione sociale, la rivolta del Nord, le questioni eticamente sensibili) sono dedicati all'analisi di come questi argomenti, da tradizionali punti di forza della sinistra, siano diventati punti di difficoltà o di debolezza.

Le vicende del congresso del Partito Democratico e l'elezione di Pierluigi Bersani alla segreteria sono trattate nei loro aspetti problematici e nelle possibili prospettive di ripresa. La proposta di una costituente tra il Pd e le forze della sinistra disponibili, è la conclusione del libro

Valdo Spini
, ininterrottamente deputato dal 1979 al 2008, was deputy secretary for the current national PSI lombardiana, environment minister in the government Ciampi, President of the National Ds. In 2009 he was a candidate for mayor of Florence at the head of a coalition of civic lists on the left.


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