Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bump On Gums Above Tooth

The space via the hospice (Pistoia) presented the book "without a trace of anger" by Luigi Scardigli

Friday, February 11 at 18
at Luigi Scardigli " Senza un filo di rabbia
Dopo Linda,Marco e altre storie e Dodici mesi per morire, Luigi Scardigli pubblica il suo terzo romanzo, che segue Giù a nord. Lentamente , finalista al premio letterario Il Ceppo nel 2007, e Se mi ami davvero, lasciami andare (Albatros). Giornalista pubblicista, 47 anni, torinese di nascita ma romano d' adozione, padre di Alagia, ha collaborato negli ultimi venti anni con ii quotidiani "Il Tirreno", "Il Manifestp", "L'Unità", "Liberazione" and, recently, with "Il Corriere di Livorno" and "The Others". Editor from one year to the monthly "The Jester", won in 1995 in Salem with a TeleRatto gravure kicked in the balls. He also collaborated with the broadcaster and co-star of Pistoia Tvl
I've always been
Chiara (2010), a short film directed by Alexander Daquino which is loosely based on one of the stories included in Twelve months to die. Everything is predestined gently, to Matilda: it seems that the death of biological parents is the prelude to a life more authentic, stronger, more strong, thanks to a pain had, but not lived, given his tender age.


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