Thursday, February 17, 2011

Does H Pylori Cause Aches And Pains?

M'illumino less - especially for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy - Prato


Friday, February 18 at 18 as part of campaign to save energy

The Emperor's Castle illuminated by Tricolore

Special Edition of "M'illumino less" for 150 years from the Unification of Italy

Friday next Feb. 18 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, also in Prato you can attend a special edition of

M'illumino less,

the national campaign for energy efficiency promoted to the seventh consecutive year by the radio broadcast on Radio 2 Caterpillar. The message is still that of the rationalization of energy consumption by switching off the lights symbolic of the most significant monuments and squares of every city, but this year, will be lit the same "clean" energy of a tri-color bright.

The City Council has decided to join the initiative of the "energy silence", as will many squares in Italy, and next Friday at 18:00, the Emperor's Castle, a symbol of the place in Prato, will be illuminated by the colors, green, dela our flag white and red. Decalogue of good habits for February 18 (and after!)

1. turn off lights when not needed

2. off and not left on standby for electronic devices

3. frequent defrosting the refrigerator, keep the coil clean and away from the wall so that it can move l’aria 4. mettere il coperchio sulle pentole quando si bolle l’acqua ed evitare sempre che la fiamma sia piĆ¹ ampia del fondo della pentola

5. se si ha troppo caldo abbassare i termosifoni invece di aprire le finestre

6. ridurre gli spifferi degli infissi riempiendoli di materiale che non lascia passare aria

7. utilizzare le tende per creare intercapedini davanti ai vetri, gli infissi, le porte esterne

8. non lasciare tende chiuse davanti ai termosifoni

9. inserire apposite pellicole isolanti e riflettenti tra i muri esterni e i termosifoni

10. use the car as little as possible and if necessary to share with those in the same way.

And remember to turn off all unnecessary electrical appliances and lights Friday, February 18th at 18:00!


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