Friday, December 11, 2009

Piano Beach Painting Man And Woman

for the first time the design of a piano keyboard.
and I realize I do not know how to draw.
keys whites and blacks are very clear in my mind, dopo tutti gli anni in cui ho dovuto suonare il pianoforte, ma se tento di metterli sulla carta la successione si confonde, l'allineamento si perde.
Ma non desisto perchè so che ora posso portare in quello schematismo, in quella fissità qualcosa di me e invoco, da me stessa, una pioggia di luce benefica su quel passato.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Milena Velba In Latex

invoke a piece of wood in the fireplace

Questa settimana ho iniziato l'incontro di Rio Abierto con la domanda che mi turbinava in testa:
Una occasione persa è persa per sempre?

e quindi il colore che usciva dalla mia testa era un giallo acido, quasi radioattivo! ma poi con questo colore abbiamo iniziato a disegnare e colorare e mi sono resa conto che anche il colore acido sparso su una intera parete, nell'aria, in dense and soft folds can be beautiful. Also joined in yellow and red came out a velvet painting and smiling!

already a little 'artistic improvisation supported by this I imagined a piece of wood fireplace, ruby \u200b\u200bred, warm, bright. Obviously the fire was rustic and old, in the silence of the Umbrian countryside, spiced with a narguilé and the notes of a voice that speaks of peasants, prostitutes, guardians. I remember I left to go in joining.

But then we had to find that being the element of fire which made us afraid and to me it was cold, the fear of the fire and place your hands feel cold, heat will not be able to return fire. In conclusion

had to confront in pairs on this metaphor. I made space on the mat and approached her friend that she burst into tears and hugged me.
He told me that this simple gesture of welcome in my space did overflow its need to receive love, to feel accepted. He also thanked because, months ago when I was I broke into tears, she thought, "How lucky! Can sense the feelings so strongly." Today she is successful. On the day that I was afraid of not having and not being able to heat.

We cried together and then we laughed and then started to cry and, as he told, laughed and cried and went very well and sudavamo well, shaken and stirred!

I thought I'd give you, the voices of my fireplace, some small revolutions vocabulary :
A) there is no longer the word Rhododendron . Everyone calls the thorny bush with a name that will be right in that bush.
B) to return to the etymology of two words, and then become: CUORaggio and FUOCalizzarsi!
C) unfolding means to share their findings with others, spread to others what we learned about ourselves and life that is infecting the world with a smile!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Most Reliable Computer Brand 2010

Concentric circles

There is a point in the lake into which the breath. From there
born in the small circles onde che
increspano tutta la superficie.
Quel punto è il mio ombelico
che espande energia
e riflette la vita circostante.
A quel diaframma di luce tendono le piante
che vengono dal profondo
e che rimarranno a poca distanza sotto il pelo
del lago
in contatto con la luce e immerse nella presenza.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What Color Paint Goes With Orange Bathroom Rugs

My hands are red poppies

Le mie mani sono rossi papaveri al vento.
I polpastrelli sfumano nell'aria.
Sono selvatiche e spontanee come i papaveri dei campi.
Sono in bella compagnia con le spighe di grano.
Sono leggere ma intense di vita.
Fluttuano nel vento senza opporsi. Si lasciano accarezzare.
Hanno una corolla spalancata al sole come un sorriso e come una bocca.
have a corolla that welcomes the rain like a couch.
are simple and intense.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hissing Sound From The Tap

boxes of etymologies

I thought that the etymologies are boxes and I do not want to cage us. So
: Claudia claudication is not and does not mean "lame" but comes from the cloud and the cloud take the quality!
Distante - not from being dis-but from the instant - then it is a quality, an attitude or a way to be temporary and passenger instantly!