Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Costumes With Crutches


Faccio seguito alla elencazione degli ultimi incoraggianti successi contenuti nel mio articolo precedente, che è una sintesi del verbale di cui parla il Presidente Regionale nella lettera, che ho deciso di pubblicare (non me ne abbia a male il Dr Colamartino), perchè è molto significativa. Ecco ciò che mi scrive:
<< Caro Sergio,
ti ringrazio di avermi inviato il verbale. Per quanto riguarda la mia richiesta di essere presente a S.Eusanio non devi avere nessun mi sento pienamente sostenuto dalla mia associazione provinciale e allo stesso tempo sono certo Association feels that my always and in every case supported by me. I do not think you have nothing to hide it me, or anyone else, because your management has always been characterized by great transparency. The fact is, however, that in our long discussions in recent months we have shared, in relation to the increasingly complex problems we face in our area, the need for a greater level of integration and sharing of decision processes and organizational terms is associative, that of medical technology. So my presence in some provincial meetings of AVIS is and will be functional only in the future this need. Team spirit is good for all binding and does not jeopardize the leadership of anyone, but reinforces it, as the excellent results achieved over the years show.
Best regards, Pasquale

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lost Immunization Card In Ontario


1) A Castiglione Messer Marino was achieved satisfactory operation: the newly formed Chamber Hall scored in less than a month of activity, a progressive 62 blood bags. They work in progress for construction of premises for the service of levy on the first floor of the District of Base running a pilot project for the implementation of blood collection in the districts of the base. Medical activities are taking place on two channels: in addition to the levy to be donors are already active in the activities of Vasto transfusions when traveling to the District twice a week for the first checks to new subscribers.
2) A Casoli the local information system was linked to the overall network Transfusion Service of Lanciano Vasto. To this end, it was arranged for the purchase and preparation of a computer and a laser printer.
3) For Atessa was restored throughout the area and to take all'accoglenza used as donors. The renovated complex is already operational and will shortly be inaugurated
4) A Chieti has run successfully achieved a significant and encouraging: a consequence of an intervention, of our Provincial Coordination Unit, used to improve the service call, there was a surprising increase in influx of donors and, in just over a month, was completely reversed compared with the previous year's data: from -8 (comparing January-June) was passed in late August to 147 + which means, in July, nearly doubling from the previous monthly average yield. Are underway to streamline the work of the spaces dedicated to reception and refreshment donors with the purchase of necessary furniture and furnishings.
5) of Peligni Lama is shared with its business associations have, among other things, help and moral support, never failed, by President Sergio Di Tizio, the two Vice Presidents and Francesco Paolo Rocco stationmasters Spadaccini and the Provincial Secretary Anthony Saline.
Sergio Di Tizio

Friday, September 17, 2010

2010 Stomach Virus Symptoms

La risposta di Casoli

Our friend President dell'Avis Casoli, Mr. Antonio Salt has wanted to express about the issues I mentioned in my last statement ... Here is what writes:
<< Caro Sergio,
I have carefully read your writing on the site, where you ask us to operate all the neurons that we have to build a new mentality within our group (I hope that is not a speech / programming). How do you put in
risalto il “ piano “ , non è certamente condivisibile, ed i nuovi problemi della nuova Sanità abruzzese ci chiedono di adeguarci. Pertanto, quali iniziative di rilievo cambieranno la nostra Associazione ?
Caro Sergio a questo punto credo che Einstein ci possa essere d’aiuto “ SENZA CRISI NON CI SONO SFIDE “ non possiamo pretendere che le cose cambino se continuiamo a fare le cose allo stesso modo. La crisi è il maggior stimolo che possa avere una persona ed un territorio, perché è proprio la crisi a portare il progresso, con essa nascono inventive e perché no grandi strategie.
Pertanto, fatta questa premessa, mettiamo in movimento i neuroni da un emisfero all’altro per superare problems. Avis
Our shared this choice (with the new agreement), and together we are planning a new strategy ASL blood collection in the province of Chieti. It 's a project, then, that leaves no room for improvisation, but it is deeply felt the idea of \u200b\u200bpreservation of land that has always been an asset dell'Avis (the so-called team play).
why should we give to our leaders as well as a technical contribution to the Avis also a health care could become a "service company" through a pilot project on our local reality. Surely this requires more effort and awareness of internal problems and we must muster all the skills that the Association has the potential.
Many things can be made on site and many opportunities are exploited in order to overcome local difficulties in recruiting new donors. Recruit
means to convince someone to trust you, means making sure that your invitation to participate in an experience, is collected by those who perhaps had never even thought of commitment to a particular perspective. For well
"recruit" is therefore necessary to first know how to relate well with those who would like to follow your advice.
Consequently, determined to achieve this objective there is a need to satisfy two basic conditions: to understand who you are dealing with to get better with him in the right "relationship" interpersonal and especially to understand what "language" is more appropriate to use for this purpose. Much of the recruitment effort is therefore the chief recruiter. The Avis
This will increasingly support the action of the Presidents and their sections, providing initiatives, encouragement, ideas and sufficient means.
Today as one reason for success is the network of relationships that it is able to build this network and is a valuable resource that the Association needs to improve.
It would thus be appropriate to collect data on growth of the individual sections compare them with the initiatives made and then see what steps are exploited for the growth of provincial and proposed sections and the sections in trouble.>> The call is
challenging and certainly to be collected! ... Expect others to express their views on the issue or propose other topics on which .... E'APERTO THE DEBATE!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lost Immunization Card In Ontario Canada


As often happens, we turn our attention, is emphasized and we thank those who offer exceptional help and you end up with the neglect of those around you and helping you to him forever!
Parlo della collaborazione ininterrotta di Francesco Paolo Spadaccini, un vice presidente provinciale che, quando c’è un impegno, non gli devi chiedere niente, lui collabora e basta! Non c’è attività della Provinciale che non abbia avuto il suo sostegno, senza tentennamenti, spingendosi fino a trascurare la propria salute, come ha fatto a Francavilla, all’atterraggio dei parapendii, dove ha coperto il suo compito malgrado si portasse addosso una sofferenza fisica che la notte stessa lo ha condotto al ricovero ospedaliero con serissimi problemi e ad una drastica terapia, durata settimane.
Allora, per rimediare parzialmente voglio dedicargli un grazie speciale: per il lavoro svolto e per l’esempio dato a quanti danno collaborazione a “spizzichi e bocconi” e magari si lagnano per “non essere abbastanza coinvolti”
Sergio Di Tizio

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Xbox Hmdi Cord Isnt Working

the Triduum of Holy Nail in Milan Cathedral

Did you know that in Milan, the Duomo, just above the high altar at the top between the vaults of the presbytery, is exhibited in a display case lit with red, one of the nails with which Jesus was crucified . Well, once a year the Holy Nail is taken to be exposed for three days at the popular worship inside the Cathedral. The
"Nivola" 5-canonical and the Archbishop rose to take the case with the Holy Nail Saturday, September 11 at 15 .
La reliquia rimarrà esposta poi per tre giorni alla venerazione dei fedeli.
Alle 11 di domenica 12 settembre si terrà il Pontificale presieduto da monsignor Angelo Mascheroni, Vescovo ausiliare emerito; alle 16 avranno luogo i Vespri e la processione con il Santo Chiodo.

Se non avete mai presenziato a questa funzione vi consiglio di vale davvero la pena.

Per altre informazioni vi rimando ai seguenti siti: