Monday, August 30, 2010

What Is Some Southern Slang

I am also happy "grandma"

Qualcuno Bocchigliero yelled at me because I wrote that blog in the phone happily "mother-in-law" but I did not mention the fact that even my grandmother ...
Yes, I confirm with immense joy and cry the whole world that I became a grandfather of a beautiful child named Gabriel.
a strange effect I am saying they are "Grandma" because in my heart I feel so young that the name of my grandmother seems to not fit well on me.
But it's only an illusion that still want to feel young despite the years have passed but even though very fast, too fast really.
If I think of my little girl seems to me to go back just di qualche anno....Invece......Son giĆ  passati ben 30 anni da quando mi sono sposata!
Come volano gli anni......!!! Uffi uffi uffi.....
Beh scusate lo sfogo....
Un caro saluto a tutti i miei lettori....che se ancora non lo sono......diventeranno presto nonni anche loro!! e poi mi diranno come si sentono......

A presto!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Online Game Play

Bocchigliero celebrating the centenary of Uncle Peppe

Alla presenza del Sindaco Dr Luigi De Vincenti, dell’Arciprete Don Agostino De Natale e di tutti i familiari si sono svolti in Bocchigliero i festeggiamenti in onore di Giuseppe Ricca (Zio Peppe), che il 12 dicembre 2009 , ha compiuto his hundredth birthday.
The festival, organized by the Municipality and family, was held in the central Piazza del Popolo to Bocchigliero, packed for the occasion by the whole community, with music, dancing and fireworks and a lot of very welcome sweets distributed to all present .
After a fun evening out in joy, all those present to greet him "Uncle Pepper" congratulated for its longevity and wishing him long life yet.