Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ada Ramp Requirements


A pochi giorni dalla maratona, il vostro sostegno è ripagato da due scoperte importanti che riguardano la mucopolisaccaridosi di tipo 6 e la malattia di Alzheimer.

Uno studio condotto da Alberto Auricchio, ricercatore dell'Istituto Telethon di Napoli, ha dimostrato l'efficacia della terapia genica sul modello animale di mucopolisaccaridosi di tipo 6, una grave malattia metabolica di origine genetics.
This disease is very rare, usually begins in childhood and over time leads to skeletal deformities, vision problems and heart failure.
therapy developed by Auricchio may soon be transferred to humans.

Even Alzheimer's disease there are major breakthroughs. Researchers led by Francesco Cecconi Telethon have clarified the molecular mechanisms that prevent communication between nerve cells, over time lead to memory loss.
The discovery could have important developments in the diagnosis and identification of possible treatments for the inherited form of AD is the most common form, which only affects half a million in Italy people.

These are just two of the many successes of Telethon research that can continue on his way to care thanks to your support. The next round will be a few days on the Telethon Rai for the 2010 marathon. Continue to stay with us.


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