Monday, January 11, 2010

How Do I Make Make My Legs Shiny

things and their places

The other night, suddenly, I remembered a saying of my father
everything in its place, each thing in its place.

was a simple mnemonic technique to be ordered and do not forget to replace or rearrange what was needed. So if you saw an empty seat you knew what you had to rearrange.
I thought this would be perhaps even its handling of relational and emotional life: children, who were to be returned home within hours of his return - because he, at the end of the day, could not even worry about something like children outside the home of his wife who has always tried to be home - but who worked while they were engaged, that strangers were always remain outsiders - and not become the example for his daughter's boyfriend.
Given the inconsistencies between this normal and presupponibilissime maximum life and real life, it generates problems!
and his life has always been a tension that all is confacesse to this maxim. When they had directly experienced as castrating was trying to bring life in the schemes.

Maybe that's why I never try a job that requires me my badge, I try to avoid even the open-ended contracts, relationships and seeking subordinate relationships in which couples can maintain rationality and control. And
continuously rotate my furniture in the rooms and space.


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